Winners of ISUILS10 Best Poster Presenter Awards
This year at ISUILS10, four posters were chosen for the Best Poster Presenter Awards. The four winners are Mr. Tim Rathje, Dr. Reika Kanya, Mr. Christian Roedel, and Mr. Omri Har-Shemesh. An awarding ceremony was held at the symposium banquet on October 20, 2011 at Hotel auf der Wartburg.
The titles of the winning presentations are as follows:
"“Phasemeter” -- waveform characterization of few-cycle laser pulses in real-time using above-threshold ionization,"
T. Rathje, A. M. Sayler, M. Möller, D. Adolph, D. Hoff, W. Müller, K. Rühle, G. Stibenz and G. G. Paulus.
"Observation of laser-assisted electron scattering by Xe in femtosecond intense laser fields,"
Reika Kanya, Yuya Morimoto, and Kaoru Yamanouchi
"Intense attosecond pulse trains from relativistic surface plasmas,"
C. Roedel, J. Bierbach, D. an der Bruegge, M. Yeung, T. Hahn, B. Dromey, M.Behmke, S. Herzer, S. Fuchs, E. Eckner, M. Cerchez, O. Jaeckel, T. Toncian, D. Hemmers, M.C. Kaluza, G. Pretzler, O. Willi, A. Pukhov, M. Zepf, G.G. Paulus.
"Intensity measurement of strong laser beams using multi-photon Thomson scattering,"
O. Har-Shemesh and A. Di Piazza