→ Welcome message from the Co-Chairs
Post-symposium message from the Co-chairs of ISUILS2022
Our 19th symposium was held as an in-person meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA between December 11th and 16th, after two years of postponement due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the opening session, a tributary presentation was given by Prof. Wendell T. Hill, III to the Honorary Chair of the symposium, Prof. Stephen Leone. The presentation was followed by a video message from the Honorary Chair, who could not be with us in person.
The scientific sessions consisted of invited talks by thirty researchers from the wide areas of interdisciplinary research fields of ultrafast intense laser science, followed by stimulating discussions. A total of seven posters were presented during the poster sessions. In the Sponsor’s Session, presentations were given by Light Conversion UAB (representing Phototechnica Corp.), Amplitude, Japan Laser Corporation, and Thales LAS (by video).
Attendees appeared to have enjoyed the scientific program, the pleasant and relaxing atmosphere of Waikiki, and being able to meet again face to face. On behalf of the international organizing committee, we thank again the invited participants, the attendees, and the sponsors and organizations for making the symposium stimulating and successful.
Sincerely yours,
Co-chairs of ISUILS2022
Louis DiMauro
Wendell T. Hill, III
Kaoru Yamanouchi
December 26, 2022